Comment by the Baltic Sea Treaty Foundation

We have previously highlighted that action is needed!
In particular, industrial fishing using large-scale trawling for fishmeal production must be stopped. A fishery that accounts for over 90% of herring catches in the Swedish part of the Baltic Sea. However, the important coastal fisheries need to be stimulated in various ways. The fish caught there can become good food. See our news Scientists on increased herring fishing: “Turned to folly”

EU fisheries ministers pushed through the continuation of Baltic herring fishing this year – contrary to the European Commission’s proposal.
Now, the Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), which brings together environmental organizations around the Baltic Sea, is asking the European Court of Justice to overturn the decision and immediately stop the fishery by invalidating the decision taken by EU fisheries ministers to allow herring fishing in 2024.
The CCB believes that the EU Council of Ministers violated existing fisheries rules and ignored and directly undermined other existing environmental legislation.
Baltic herring has declined dramatically in recent years, resulting in large-scale industrial fishing moving ever closer to the coast.
Baltic herring is also an important food source for other fish, which affects the Baltic Sea as a whole.
For several years, fishermen have been sounding the alarm about a shortage of herring in the sea.
In June, the Swedish government presented the bill “A Living Sea“, which proposes, among other things, extended trawling limits in the Baltic Sea area to protect the weak stocks of herring.
However, the proposal has been criticized by both scientists and fishermen who want to see much tougher measures.


The fact that the CCB is now going to the European Court of Justice to annul the decision taken by EU fisheries ministers to allow herring fishing in 2024 could, if successful, have a noticeable effect.
At the same time, the Baltic Sea Contract Foundation believes that further political decisions must be influenced in the right direction and that legislation must be developed, but above all that existing legislation is implemented and respected.

The strategy is to get many citizens around the Baltic Sea to become aware and take responsibility in order to influence politicians.

Strong political and other decisions and actions are needed to make the seas of the future swimmable, navigable, enjoyable and edible for generations to come!

Strong political and other decisions and actions are needed to ensure that the seas of the future are safe for generations to come

The Baltic Sea Contract Foundation works actively to contribute to the development of the Baltic Sea environment towards a healthier sea. The work is done by many people around the Baltic Sea pledging to treat the sea well, which eventually has an impact. When many of us take responsibility, we have the opportunity to influence various actors and decision-makers to take major and important decisions and actions to create radical improvement in the key issues:
Eutrophication-Large-scale industrial fishing-Toxins and chemicals.

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