A comprehensive survey of the health of the Baltic Sea shows that over 90% of the marine area suffers from environmental problems such as eutrophication, overfishing and pollution.
The report, produced by the Baltic Sea Commission (HELCOM) with contributions from hundreds of experts, indicates that biodiversity has deteriorated, especially for marine mammals and fish. Climate change is also exacerbating the situation by increasing eutrophication and reducing sea ice. However, despite the serious challenges, there are positive signs, such as reduced levels of environmental toxins like PCBs and lead, thanks to previous bans and international agreements to reduce nutrients.

Read the report here

The Baltic Sea is still characterized by high eutrophication and an increase in oxygen-free bottoms, says Lena Bergström, researcher in marine ecology at SLU, who co-authored the report.

This needs to be done

Preserving biodiversity is identified as key to coping with the pressures facing the Baltic Sea. Protecting biodiversity requires joint efforts to reduce eutrophication, overfishing and toxic substances.

– If the natural biodiversity of the Baltic Sea is strong, nature has a stronger capacity to cope with the pressures that come from the life we live as humans, says Lena Bergström.

Increasing marine protected areas is also part of the solution. If Sweden is to meet its commitments under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, protected areas should almost double to reach 30% by 2030.

Comment by the Baltic Sea Treaty Foundation

Action is needed!

In addition to stopping large-scale industrial trawling, eutrophication from agriculture, untreated sewage etc. must be radically reduced. Further decisions and actions are needed.

A lot has been done to improve the environment of the Baltic Sea, such as improved treatment in wastewater treatment plants. A new EU directive has also been developed for wastewater treatment, but this requires legislation in Sweden for implementation.

What has been done and is underway is positive, now it is important to build on and accelerate strong political and other decisions and measures to make the sea of the future for future generations swimmable-fishable-enjoyable and create edible!

The Baltic Sea Contract Foundation works actively to contribute to the development of the Baltic Sea environment towards a healthier sea. The work is done by many people around the Baltic Sea pledging to treat the sea well, which eventually has an impact. When many of us take responsibility, we have the opportunity to influence different actors and decision-makers to take major and important decisions and actions to create radical improvement on the key issues:
Eutrophication-Large-scale industrial fishing-Toxins and chemicals.

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